Free Robotics Whitepaper

Robotics for your Com­pany: Oppor­tu­ni­ties – Obsta­cles & Stum­bling Blocks – Solutions

In the cur­rent times small and medium-sized enter­prises (SMEs) increas­ingly want to ben­e­fit from the advan­tages of robotic automa­tion. Com­pa­nies already expe­ri­enced in robotics, on the other hand, move to inte­grate robotics into more man­u­fac­tur­ing steps. At first glance, objec­tions of an entry into robotics are the expected high costs, a lack of know-how in the com­pany and an unpre­dictable level of com­plex­ity. Some com­pa­nies only see the upside: They rush ahead naively and with­out a pre­cise plan, only to stum­ble over pit­falls they did not see coming.

The will to auto­mate with a robot or cobot is the first step. How­ever, even more impor­tant is is to care­fully plan the processes to be auto­mated and the approach to be taken, tak­ing into account poten­tial obsta­cles. With this white paper, we want to pro­vide you with a roadmap for imple­ment­ing your automa­tion plans. We will show you exam­ples of when the use of a robot or cobot is worth­while and how you and your com­pany can profit from it.

And to help you to avoid typ­i­cal pit­falls when using robots, we high­light the top 5 under­es­ti­mated chal­lenges and stum­bling blocks when get­ting started in robotics and pro­vide you with help­ful tips in the form of short inter­ac­tive checklists.

In the whitepa­per you will find answers to the fol­low­ing questions:

  • What ben­e­fits do robots offer your company?
  • What are the top 5 under­es­ti­mated stum­bling blocks when enter­ing robotics?
  • How can you avoid these pitfalls?
  • How is ArtiMinds able to sup­port you as a soft­ware and solu­tion provider?
  • Inter­ac­tive hard­ware and soft­ware check­lists to help you choose the right com­po­nents and tools (to receive the com­plete robotics check­list see link below)

Got Curi­ous? Then down­load our check­list to man­age your robot project successfully

To ensure effi­cient plan­ning and inte­gra­tion, the first and most impor­tant step is to think about the con­cept and require­ments of the appli­ca­tion, your goals, the tech­ni­cal pre­req­ui­sites and the require­ments for human-robot collaboration.
To sup­port you best we set up a robotics check­list with sup­ple­men­tary tips. You can down­load this check­list for free!

ArtiMinds Robotics Robotics Whitepaper

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ArtiMinds-Robotics_Implement robot-supported automation projects efficiently

ArtiMinds for your robotic automa­tion project

ArtiMinds for your robotic automa­tion project

You want to inte­grate new and flex­i­ble automa­tion processes into your workflows?

ArtiMinds is a leader in the devel­op­ment of inno­v­a­tive and sophis­ti­cated robot automa­tion solu­tions, whether as a par­tial or over­all con­cept. Our experts will be happy to pro­vide you with advice and sup­port from con­cep­tual design to imple­men­ta­tion. Get in touch – our spe­cial­ists will pro­vide you with com­pre­hen­sive advice and work with you to develop an ini­tial con­cept or fea­si­bil­ity study.

Write to us and start your automa­tion project with ArtiMinds.