ArtiMinds RPS & LAR in action

In three steps to a robotic automa­tion solution

It seems to be a long way from a first idea to a deployed robot-based automa­tion solu­tion, but actu­ally you only need three steps. For sure, this steps include a lot of dif­fer­ent taskes, but the spe­cial fea­tures and inno­v­a­tive approaches of the robot pro­gram­ming soft­ware ArtiMinds RPS and the analy­sis tool ArtiMinds LAR sup­port you per­fectly in every sin­gle phase.

Every robot appli­ca­tion goes through three phases or steps in its life cycle: plan­ning & pro­gram­ming, com­mis­sion­ing & ongo­ing oper­a­tion and analy­sis & optimization.
Since it´s dif­fer­ent peo­ple, who are usu­ally respon­si­ble the asso­ci­ated tasks, each phase requires spe­cial tools, indi­vid­ual know-how and good coor­di­na­tion between the indi­vid­ual process owners.

A soft­ware that can be used in all phases and across the dif­fer­ent processes and tasks brings great advan­tages and saves time and money. ArtiMinds RPS con­vinces exactly through this con­tin­u­ous approach. In par­tic­u­lar, the user ben­e­fits from the fact that you can switch seam­lessly between online and offline pro­gram­ming. In the plan­ning phase, ArtiMinds RPS allows you to start pro­gram­ming offline, i.e. even with­out hard­ware or con­nec­tion to the robot, and to plan and opti­mize the cell lay­out. To para­me­ter­ize vision blocks with the real cam­era, ana­lyze live sen­sor data or teach key poses on the real robot, you can switch to online mode at any time with just one a click.

ArtiMinds Robotics - ArtiMinds RPS generates native robot code

The spe­cial fea­tures of ArtiMinds include auto­mat­i­cally gen­er­ated native robot code that runs directly on the manufacturer’s robot con­troller. Thus, ArtiMinds RPS trans­lates your pro­gram, which you have cre­ated via drag & drop on a user-friendly, graph­i­cal and intu­itive user inter­face, into the lan­guage of the robot. This avoids inter­face prob­lems and also elim­i­nates the need for spe­cial­ized skills in the respec­tive manufacturer’s software.

From a mon­e­tary per­spec­tive, ArtiMinds RPS offers sig­nif­i­cant poten­tial sav­ings in set­ting up and con­nect­ing exter­nal hard­ware  as well as real com­pet­i­tive advan­tages. This is because the soft­ware sig­nif­i­cantly reduces the application’s sus­cep­ti­bil­ity to errors, which leads to less pro­duc­tion down­time . Changes or adap­ta­tions can be imple­mented by your employ­ees with­out the need for an exter­nal ser­vice provider. If required, the ArtiMinds Automa­tion Engi­neer­ing Team will pro­vide you with cus­tomized support.

You want to know what exactly is meant by plan­ning, pro­gram­ming and imple­men­ta­tion a flex­i­ble robot-based automa­tion solu­tion? >>learn more

ArtiMinds Robotics - ArtiMinds RPS generates native robot code

You want to see the ArtiMinds soft­ware fam­ily live? Then sim­ply write to us and tell us your desired date for an online demo. One of our appli­ca­tion experts will then con­tact you promptly to dis­cuss the fur­ther details.

The Analy­sis Tool Learn­ing & Ana­lyt­ics for Robots ArtiMinds LAR per­fectly com­ple­ments ArtiMinds RPS. ArtiMinds LAR is spe­cially designed for ana­lyz­ing and opti­miz­ing your robot processes dur­ing and after com­mis­sion­ing. For this pur­pose, the soft­ware auto­mat­i­cally col­lects live sen­sor data dur­ing oper­a­tion and pre­pares them both numer­i­cally and graph­i­cally. This allows you to effi­ciently opti­mize pro­duc­tion cycles in terms of sta­bil­ity, accu­racy and speed. At the same time, LAR makes it pos­si­ble to com­pare dif­fer­ent pro­gram ver­sions with each other. Thus, changes remain trans­par­ent and the “suc­cess” of an opti­miza­tion can be eval­u­ated more eas­ily. In addi­tion, the main­te­nance engi­neer ben­e­fits from PDF doc­u­men­ta­tion, includ­ing stored com­ments, which the pro­gram­mer can cre­ate out of the pro­gram­ming suite by sim­ply click­ing on one button.

ArtiMinds Robotics - Analysis and Optimization with ArtiMinds LAR

ArtiMinds LAR: Save money – increase efficiency

  • No down­time: opti­miza­tions can be made dur­ing operation
  • Imple­men­ta­tion can be done by your trained staff, i.e. spe­cial pro­gram­ming knowl­edge is not required
  • ArtiMinds LAR con­nects the live data directly to the respec­tive pro­gram tem­plates of the RPS, so that changes can be made eas­ily and quickly
  • Opti­mized robot processes lead to a sig­nif­i­cantly lower error rate and thus to less scrap

We have com­piled fur­ther details on the analy­sis & opti­miza­tion phases for you fur­ther down on this page.

Every­one can pro­gram robots in 3 steps

Cre­ate pro­gram struc­ture and task sequence via drag & drop

ArtiMinds Robotics - Create task sequence via drag & drop

Teach-in and para­me­ter­ize the configuration

ArtiMinds Robotics - Teach-in and configure parameters

Sim­u­la­tion, exe­cu­tion and operating

ArtiMinds Robotics - Simulation, Execution and Optimization

ArtiMinds RPS: Plan – Pro­gram – Com­mis­sion & Operate

  • Plan

    Plan and sim­u­late your robot-based automa­tion solu­tion with ArtiMinds RPS. Real­ize your appli­ca­tions with a min­i­mal amount of expen­sive spe­cial-pur­pose hard­ware. Eas­ily set up your robot using a broad set of stan­dard com­po­nents like grip­pers, force-torque sen­sors and vision sen­sors. Import CAD files to quickly check reach­a­bil­ity and col­li­sions of the robot. Choose the best hard­ware suit­able for your process and opti­mize the lay­out of the robot cell using the reach­a­bil­ity assis­tant. Eas­ily gen­er­ate paths from CAD to val­i­date the robot motions as early as pos­si­ble – for spe­cific tasks like dis­pens­ing, cut­ting or deburring.

  • Pro­gram

    Solv­ing com­plex automa­tion tasks has never been eas­ier! Pro­gram your robot with­out writ­ing a sin­gle line of robot code by choos­ing from more than 60 func­tion tem­plates, rang­ing from stan­dard robot motions up to force-sen­si­tive align­ment, cam­era-based search motions and PLC com­mu­ni­ca­tion. Each tem­plate pro­vides spe­cific wiz­ards to sim­plify pro­gram­ming by teach­ing key points. Experts have access to all para­me­ters – even force con­troller set­tings – and advanced pro­gram­ming tech­niques like CAD, cal­i­bra­tion helpers and numer­i­cal inputs. Cre­ate your pro­gram struc­ture sim­ply via drag & drop and main­tain it eas­ily even months after the ini­tial setup using dif­fer­ent doc­u­men­ta­tion fea­tures. Use the advan­tages of flex­i­ble automa­tion with ArtiMinds RPS and equip your robot with human­like skills!

  • Com­mis­sion & operate

    Quickly test and qual­ify your robot processes. ArtiMinds RPS auto­mat­i­cally gen­er­ates the robot code and copies it to the stan­dard robot con­troller to allow fast and easy test­ing. The robot code runs inde­pen­dently from ArtiMinds RPS on the robot – just like a hand­writ­ten robot pro­gram. Live sen­sor data will be acquired auto­mat­i­cally to inspect the pro­gram. Use the real robot to eas­ily reteach a key­point or opti­mize it based on live sen­sor data. Export live data to doc­u­ment the qual­i­fi­ca­tion of the process.

ArtiMinds Robotics - ArtiMinds RPS: Easy planning and programming
ArtiMinds Robotics - ArtiMinds RPS: Implementation of the application

ArtiMinds LAR: Com­mis­sion & Oper­ate – Ana­lyze – Optimize

  • Oper­ate

    Flex­i­ble automa­tion solu­tions with robots gen­er­ate a large amount of live sen­sor data. ArtiMinds LAR con­nects to your in-house data­base and stores all gen­er­ated live sen­sor data per­ma­nently. The soft­ware splits the live sen­sor data based on the ArtiMinds RPS pro­gram tem­plates to be able to ana­lyze each sub process indi­vid­u­ally. Each ArtiMinds RPS pro­gram revi­sion – for exam­ple after reteach­ing a key­point – will be stored along the live sen­sor data. ArtiMinds LAR guar­an­tees the trace­abil­ity of your processes and is easy to deploy.

  • Ana­lyze

    Dive into your pro­duc­tion: ArtiMinds LAR pro­vides in-depth insights into your robot-based pro­duc­tion processes. Eas­ily cre­ate mul­ti­ple dash­boards con­sist­ing of dif­fer­ent key per­for­mance indi­ca­tors (KPI) and tiles to ana­lyze the sen­sor data. Nav­i­gate the sen­sor data using the struc­ture of the ArtiMinds RPS robot pro­gram. Fil­ter by tags and tem­plates to ana­lyze spe­cific aspects of your process. ArtiMinds LAR auto­mat­i­cally sug­gests analy­sis tiles based on the ArtiMinds RPS pro­gram tem­plates. Save setup-time and under­stand your processes with­out any expert-knowledge!

  • Opti­mize

    ArtiMinds RPS pro­grams using force sen­sors or vision sys­tems com­pen­sate tol­er­ances auto­mat­i­cally by cal­cu­lat­ing cor­rec­tion terms for the robot posi­tion. ArtiMinds LAR pro­vides exten­sive tools to ana­lyze the cor­rec­tion terms of mul­ti­ple runs – for exam­ple when a new lot is processed – and sug­gest an opti­mal new robot posi­tion to min­i­mize cycle time. Auto­matic sta­tis­tics about the exe­cu­tion time of sub processes enable you to iden­tify long run­ning tasks which might be the first to opti­mize. Idle seg­ments and down­times can be eas­ily tracked using KPIs of the process.

ArtiMinds Robotics - ArtiMinds LAR: Analysis and optimization during commissioning and operation


In just a few min­utes, we will show you how to plan, pro­gram, oper­ate, ana­lyze and opti­mize robot appli­ca­tions cost-effi­ciently, intu­itively and eas­ily with ArtiMinds RPS.

The non-bind­ing free online demo is the per­fect way to get a first impres­sion of the soft­ware, the appli­ca­tion port­fo­lio and if it suits your needs.

ArtiMinds Robotics - Florian Geike Online Demo

ArtiMinds RPS offers a unique pro­gram­ming approach to sim­plify plan­ning, setup and pro­gram­ming your robot appli­ca­tion. At the heart of Artiminds RPS is a large tem­plate data­base to solve chal­leng­ing robot tasks like force con­trol, vision sens­ing and PLC com­mu­ni­ca­tion – with­out writ­ing a sin­gle line of robot pro­gram code. Choose from dif­fer­ent pro­gram­ming tech­niques like Wiz­ards or CAD to set up each tem­plate. At all times, you can switch between offline pro­gram­ming with CAD and online pro­gram­ming with the real robot, which requires only a net­work con­nec­tion. Based on the tem­plates, ArtiMinds RPS will auto­mat­i­cally gen­er­ate robot code for the stan­dard con­troller of the robot man­u­fac­turer. No addi­tional hard­ware is required dur­ing pro­duc­tion and a broad set of robots and stan­dard hard­ware com­po­nents is sup­ported – allow­ing a lean entry into flex­i­ble automation.