ArtiMinds RPS +Force

Force-con­trolled robot applications

Force-torque sen­sors are used to com­pen­sate man­u­fac­tur­ing tol­er­ances or wear, thereby increase the robust­ness. For inte­gra­tion, robot man­u­fac­tur­ers offer exten­sive tech­nol­ogy pack­ages for their robot con­trollers. In order to inte­grate these spe­cial exper­tise and exten­sive pro­gram­ming skills are usu­ally nec­es­sary, which in turn is reflected in the bud­get and time required.

Bypass these dis­ad­van­tages with ArtiMinds RPS +Force! Imple­ment your force-con­trolled robot appli­ca­tion with the appro­pri­ate force-torque sen­sor even with­out spe­cial knowl­edge and in very short time. Test solu­tions such as prob­ing, search­ing for holes or torque bal­anc­ing live on the robot with­out high pro­gram­ming effort – and thus save a lot of time and money dur­ing process development.
Use the inno­v­a­tive solu­tions of ArtiMinds RPS +Force also for your flex­i­ble robot-based automa­tion with force-torque sensors.

Typ­i­cal appli­ca­tions that can be solved with ArtiMinds RPS +Force:


ArtiMinds Robotics – Sensorbasierte Roboterprogramme mit Bilderverarbeitung oder Kraftsensoren


UR Kabelstecken


KUKA Artiminds Robot Automation

The most impor­tant func­tion­al­i­ties at a glance:


Broad sup­port of force sensors

Einstellung am Roboter

Easy setup and verification

Arbeiten am Roboter

Tac­tile sen­si­tiv­ity and hand guiding

Opti­mized robot code


Live sen­sor data

Broad sup­port of force sensors

ArtiMinds Robotics - ArtiMinds RPS +Force supports numerous force-torque sensors

ArtiMinds RPS +Force sup­ports a wide range of force sen­sors, e.g. from ATI, Wacoh, OnRo­bot, Robo­tiq and Weiss Robotics. Choose the best force sen­sor for your appli­ca­tion – rang­ing from tenths of new­tons to kilonewtons.

If you want to use dif­fer­ent hard­ware or require assis­tance in choos­ing a force sen­sor, send an inquiry to contact@​artiminds.​com.

Our free white paper pro­vides an overview of the sup­ported robot man­u­fac­tur­ers and periph­eral devices.

ArtiMinds Robotics - ArtiMinds RPS +Force supports numerous force-torque sensors
ArtiMinds Robotics - Set up force-torque sensors easily with ArtiMinds RPS +Force

Easy setup and verification

ArtiMinds Robotics - Set up force-torque sensors easily with ArtiMinds RPS +Force

Eas­ily con­fig­ure the set­tings and mount­ing of your force-torque sen­sor in the robot con­fig­u­ra­tor either numer­i­cally or in 3D. Test if every­thing works as expected using an auto­mated con­nec­tion test.

Tac­tile sen­si­tiv­ity and hand guiding

ArtiMinds Robotics - ArtiMinds RPS +Force ensures high process reliability

A large set of tem­plates allows for fast imple­men­ta­tion of tasks with tac­tile sen­si­tiv­ity. Eas­ily com­pen­sate tol­er­ances which would crash a robot with­out sen­sors. ArtiMinds RPS pro­vides broadly applic­a­ble force-sen­si­tive skills lead­ing to high process reli­a­bil­ity. The auto­matic cor­rec­tion of the robot motion forms the basis to opti­mize the robot pro­gram using ArtiMinds LAR.

Softly pick and place objects even if the grip­per is not per­fectly centred.

Search for holes, cor­ners, sur­faces and more. Search pat­terns, forces, fric­tion can be eas­ily mod­i­fied among others.

Insert objects of dif­fer­ent shapes like cylin­ders or boxes with­out jam­mings into hold­ers or cavities.

Align object sides, sur­faces and cor­ners, con­tact an object or cen­tre it between con­tact surfaces.

Over­lay a con­tin­u­ous path with a force for grind­ing, pol­ish­ing or sim­i­lar tasks to smoothly fol­low even com­plex free-form surfaces.

ArtiMinds RPS +Force pro­vides helper tools to guide your robot assisted by its force measurements.

ArtiMinds Robotics - ArtiMinds RPS +Force ensures high process reliability

Opti­mized robot code

ArtiMinds RPS +Force auto­mat­i­cally gen­er­ates opti­mized robot code. The gen­er­ated robot code uses avail­able soft­ware add-ons of the robot man­u­fac­turer to ensure the best avail­able process reli­a­bil­ity. You don’t have to pay atten­tion to the imple­men­ta­tion details of the cho­sen robot man­u­fac­turer or force sen­sor. ArtiMinds RPS +Force will auto­mat­i­cally solve tasks like the para­me­ter­i­za­tion of force con­trollers, com­mu­ni­ca­tion setup or trans­for­ma­tion of forces to spe­cific con­tact points for you.

Live sen­sor data

ArtiMinds RPS +Force adds addi­tional chan­nels to the live sen­sor data. Ana­lyze forces and torques trans­formed into a con­tact point or as raw data to qual­ify your process and ensure the process spec­i­fi­ca­tion is met.
Eas­ily stream sen­sor data with high fre­quen­cies up to 500Hz. Export all chan­nels as a .csv file to doc­u­ment your process. Dis­cover the ben­e­fits of ArtiMinds LAR with live data.

Fast and Easy

See for your­self how easy it is to install, setup and use the +Force addon. Equip your robot with tac­tile sen­si­tiv­ity and unleash the full poten­tial of your robot.

For all of our videos, visit our YouTube Channel!

For all of our videos, visit our YouTube Channel!

Force-con­trolled Robotics: Step-by-Step

Tac­tile sen­si­tiv­ity isn’t restricted to cobots. ArtiMinds RPS +Force allows to eas­ily add a force sen­sor to an indus­trial robot to com­bine high­speed motions with increased process reli­a­bil­ity. The fol­low­ing steps demon­strate typ­i­cal usage of the +Force add-on.

  • Step 1: Choose and con­fig­u­rate the force sensor

    Select a force sen­sor from the list of sup­ported hard­ware com­po­nents for your robot man­u­fac­turer and con­fig­ure the sen­sor and its mount­ing using the robot con­fig­u­ra­tor. Per­form a con­nec­tion test to check the configuration.

  • Step 2: Helper Tools for hand guiding

    Choose one of our helper tools for force sen­sors to guide the robot, cen­ter your grip­per around an object or resolve jam­mings. Just grasp the robot at the tool and guide it to dras­ti­cally reduce the time to teach.

  • Step 3: Add force-sen­si­tive Templates

    Add tem­plates to your RPS pro­gram to solve chal­leng­ing robot tasks like search­ing for a hole or align­ing sur­faces. Quickly test dif­fer­ent tem­plates to find the best approach – the robot code will be gen­er­ated automatically.

  • Step 4: Pre­sets and expert settings

    For each tem­plate you can choose or eas­ily set up new pre­sets which define how the robot will react to exter­nal forces, e.g. highly reac­tive for soft mate­ri­als or less reac­tive for metal.

  • Step 5: Com­bine dif­fer­ent templates

    Eas­ily com­bine mul­ti­ple tem­plates in your RPS pro­gram to tackle com­plex tasks. Define error han­dlers and choose the best time to zeroize the force sensor.

  • Step 6: Ana­lyze live sen­sor data

    Ana­lyze the live sen­sor data to ver­ify that the result­ing forces and torques meet the process specifications.

  • Step 1

    Choose and con­fig­u­rate the force sensor

    Select a force sen­sor from the list of sup­ported hard­ware com­po­nents for your robot man­u­fac­turer and con­fig­ure the sen­sor and its mount­ing using the robot con­fig­u­ra­tor. Per­form a con­nec­tion test to check the configuration.

  • Step 2

    Helper Tools for hand guiding

    Choose one of our helper tools for force sen­sors to guide the robot, cen­ter your grip­per around an object or resolve jam­mings. Just grasp the robot at the tool and guide it to dras­ti­cally reduce the time to teach.

  • Step 3

    Add force-sen­si­tive Templates

    Add tem­plates to your RPS pro­gram to solve chal­leng­ing robot tasks like search­ing for a hole or align­ing sur­faces. Quickly test dif­fer­ent tem­plates to find the best approach – the robot code will be gen­er­ated automatically.

  • Step 4

    Pre­sets and expert settings

    For each tem­plate you can choose or eas­ily set up new pre­sets which define how the robot will react to exter­nal forces, e.g. highly reac­tive for soft mate­ri­als or less reac­tive for metal.

  • Step 5

    Com­bine dif­fer­ent templates

    Eas­ily com­bine mul­ti­ple tem­plates in your RPS pro­gram to tackle com­plex tasks. Define error han­dlers and choose the best time to zeroize the force sensor.

  • Step 6

    Ana­lyze live sen­sor data

    Ana­lyze the live sen­sor data to ver­ify that the result­ing forces and torques meet the process specifications.

ArtiMinds-Robotics_Implement robot-supported automation projects efficiently

You need sup­port for your robotic automa­tion project

You need sup­port for your robotic automa­tion project

You would like to inte­grate new and flex­i­ble automa­tion processes into your work­flows, but do not have enough resources in-house or have not yet built up the cor­re­spond­ing expertise?

As a holis­tic robotics part­ner, ArtiMinds is not only a soft­ware provider, but also a leader in the devel­op­ment of inno­v­a­tive and sophis­ti­cated robot automa­tion solu­tions, whether as a par­tial or over­all concept.

Trust in our exper­tise in the area of

> Process Development
> Fea­si­bil­ity Studies
> Prototyping
> Project Sup­port & Engineering
> Programming

Get in touch and start your automa­tion project with ArtiMinds.

ArtiMinds-Robotics_Implement robot-supported automation projects efficiently

ArtiMinds for your robotic automa­tion project

ArtiMinds for your robotic automa­tion project

You want to inte­grate new and flex­i­ble automa­tion processes into your workflows?

ArtiMinds is a leader in the devel­op­ment of inno­v­a­tive and sophis­ti­cated robot automa­tion solu­tions, whether as a par­tial or over­all con­cept. Our experts will be happy to pro­vide you with advice and sup­port from con­cep­tual design to imple­men­ta­tion. Get in touch – our spe­cial­ists will pro­vide you with com­pre­hen­sive advice and work with you to develop an ini­tial con­cept or fea­si­bil­ity study.

Write to us and start your automa­tion project with ArtiMinds.


In just a few min­utes, we will show you how to plan, pro­gram, oper­ate, ana­lyze and opti­mize robot appli­ca­tions cost-effi­ciently, intu­itively and eas­ily with ArtiMinds RPS.

The non-bind­ing free online demo is the per­fect way to get a first impres­sion of the soft­ware, the appli­ca­tion port­fo­lio and if it suits your needs.

ArtiMinds Robotics - Florian Geike Online Demo