Online pro­gram­ming with ArtiMinds RPS

Only one con­tin­u­ous soft­ware solu­tion for all pro­gram­ming tasks

ArtiMinds RPS is a con­tin­u­ous soft­ware solu­tion, usable in all phases of your robot-sup­ported automa­tion project. There­fore you only need one sin­gle soft­ware instead of dif­fer­ent pro­gram­ming and sim­u­la­tion tools. Switch seam­lessly from offline to online mode and pro­gram and test directly on the real robot. Teach with the sup­port of wiz­ards and val­i­date the move­ments of the indus­trial robot. The native robot source code is auto­mat­i­cally gen­er­ated by ArtiMinds RPS. 

With ArtiMinds RPS you only need one soft­ware for online and offline pro­gram­ming. This applies not only to sim­ple automa­tion tasks, but also to sophis­ti­cated robot-sup­ported processes up to inte­gra­tion into exist­ing processes.

Online robot pro­gram­ming – Your benefits

Pro­gram­ming a robot can be very time-con­sum­ing and cost-inten­sive with­out the right sup­port­ing soft­ware. To cover all require­ments when imple­ment­ing a robot appli­ca­tion, var­i­ous tools and spe­cial­ized pro­gram­ming exper­tise of the robot man­u­fac­turer soft­ware is nec­es­sary. Fur­ther­more you have to take care of an exact coor­di­na­tion of the dif­fer­ent depart­ments and roles involved. ArtiMinds RPS offers a con­tin­u­ous approach to har­mo­nize all phases, enabling you to seam­lessly switch between online and offline pro­gram­ming using one sin­gle software.

Online programming with ArtiMinds RPS - teach and validate key poses of your robot

Online pro­gram­ming means teach­ing on the real robot. The close con­nec­tion of teach­ing, pro­gram­ming and test­ing allows you to eval­u­ate var­i­ous solu­tion approaches directly on the real robot in the short­est pos­si­ble time. In addi­tion, you can teach key poses in order to play them back directly into ArtiMinds RPS. Espe­cially when pro­gram­ming demand­ing appli­ca­tions these pos­si­bil­i­ties and fea­tures are a great ben­e­fit, as the com­plex­ity of the processes requires a lot of test­ing and review.

Also, the use of grip­pers, image pro­cess­ing sys­tems or force-torque sen­sors is sig­nif­i­cantly sim­pli­fied, which in turn allows you to stay flex­i­ble in your hard­ware setup. In addi­tion, ArtiMinds RPS includes numer­ous pro­to­cols and dri­vers from all well-known man­u­fac­tur­ers. There­fore the robot soft­ware elim­i­nates the sig­nif­i­cant ini­tial effort required to inte­grate these components.

The analy­sis soft­ware ArtiMinds LAR allows you to ana­lyze robot data dur­ing oper­a­tion. This allows to opti­mized pro­duc­tion cycles in terms of accu­racy, speed and sta­bil­ity, or to com­pare dif­fer­ent pro­gram ver­sions with each other.
Fur­ther below you will find a step-by-step guide includ­ing video mate­r­ial how to pro­gram robots online. If you need more infor­ma­tion on offline pro­gram­ming with ArtiMinds RPS plwase visit our Offline-Pro­gram­ming-Info-Page.

You want to learn more? Con­tact us for a no-bind­ing online demo and learn all about the fea­tures and ben­e­fits of ArtiMinds RPS in just thirty min­utes. Let’s work together to real­ize the opti­mal robot automa­tion solu­tion for your appli­ca­tion task.

Train­ing courses for online and offline pro­gram­ming with ArtiMinds RPS

Our robot soft­ware is ver­sa­tile, flex­i­ble, intu­itive, cost-effi­cient and offers sig­nif­i­cant sav­ings poten­tial com­pared to con­ven­tional programming.

To enable you to quickly work inde­pen­dently with the soft­ware and to give you a detailed overview about the func­tions pos­si­ble, a soft­ware train­ing courses is always included in your license pack­age. As part of a two-day event at our premises or, if required, in the form of an online train­ing course, we will intro­duce you to our soft­ware and have a look at the appli­ca­tion and processes you aim to solve with your robotic automa­tion solution.

ArtiMinds Robotics - intensive training and education for online and offline programming

Online pro­gram­ming with ArtiMinds RPS – Comparison

ArtiMinds RPS is an award-win­ning robot pro­gram­ming soft­ware devel­oped by ArtiMinds Robotics itself. With this, both spe­cial par­tial solu­tions and, above all, demand­ing robot automa­tion projects can be real­ized in their entirety.

ArtiMinds also sup­ports indus­trial robots of all well-known robot man­u­fac­tur­ers, includ­ing periph­er­als whose dri­vers and pro­to­cols are already inte­grated in our soft­ware. The fol­low­ing table should give you a rough overview of the fea­tures of online pro­gram­ming with ArtiMinds RPS.

Online ProgrammingWithout ArtiMinds RPS/Using other toolsWith ArtiMinds RPS
Specific tools for each phaseYes, several/depending on the robotNo, one single software
Interface problems between toolsFrequentlyNo, because "only" one single software
Integration of hardwareComplex and time-consuming; special expertise is requiredEasy integration since drivers and protocols are already implemented
Can be integrated into existing processesVery complex and time consuming due to training needs & programmingSimple integration; ArtiMinds RPS generates native, reusable script code
Programming & teaching on the real robotTime-consuming; special expertise is required Teaching is supported by wizards, therefore the process is significantly simplified and less error-prone
Creation of robot codeTime-consuming and complex, special expertise and/or extra hardware is requiredVery simple, as native robot code that runs on the manufacturer's standard controller is automatically created
Programming skills in respective robot languageYes, mandatoryNo, programming is done via drag & drop; robot code is generated automatically
Spe­cific tools for each phaseYes, several/depending on the robotNo, one sin­gle software
Inte­gra­tion of hardwareCom­plex and time-con­sum­ing; spe­cial exper­tise is requiredEasy inte­gra­tion since dri­vers and pro­to­cols are already implemented
Inter­face prob­lems between toolsFre­quentlyNo, because “only” one sin­gle software
Can be inte­grated into exist­ing processesVery com­plex and time con­sum­ing due to train­ing needs & programmingSim­ple inte­gra­tion; ArtiMinds RPS gen­er­ates native, reusable script code
Pro­gram­ming & teach­ing on the real robotTime-con­sum­ing; spe­cial exper­tise is required Teach­ing is sup­ported by wiz­ards, there­fore the process is sig­nif­i­cantly sim­pli­fied and less error-prone
Cre­ation of robot codeTime-con­sum­ing and com­plex, spe­cial exper­tise and/or extra hard­ware is requiredVery sim­ple, as native robot code that runs on the manufacturer’s stan­dard con­troller is auto­mat­i­cally created
Pro­gram­ming skills in respec­tive robot languageYes, manda­toryNo, pro­gram­ming is done via drag & drop; robot code is gen­er­ated automatically

Step-by-Step: Online Programming

ArtiMinds RPS doesn’t require a CAD model of your robot cell or parts. Sim­ply con­fig­ure your robot in the robot con­fig­u­ra­tor, add a few tem­plates and start teach­ing with the real robot

  • Step 1: Choose your hardware

    Choose a robot and end-effec­tor from the list of sup­ported hard­ware com­po­nents (see sup­ported hard­ware >>). Con­fig­ure the mount­ings in the robot con­fig­u­ra­tor and auto­mat­i­cally test net­work connectivity.

  • Step 2: Drag & Drop

    Watch the short pre­view videos and drag & drop a tem­plate into your RPS program.

  • Step 3: Teach with wizards

    Start the wiz­ard of the tem­plate by a dou­ble-click and fol­low the graph­i­cal step-by-step instruc­tions what to teach. Only a few teach points are required.

  • Step 4: Sim­u­late and ver­ify robot motions

    Click sim­u­late to com­pute all motions and add trans­fer motions auto­mat­i­cally. Inspect the motions in 3D and check for col­li­sions automatically.

  • Step 5: Gen­er­ate robot code

    RPS will auto­mat­i­cally gen­er­ate robot code, copy it to the robot and pro­vide debug tools to run it. The robot code runs on the stan­dard robot con­troller – no extra hard­ware is required dur­ing production.

  • Step 6: Ana­lyze and revise

    Con­nect to the robot to ana­lyze live data about the robot and end-effec­tor motions. Quickly revise the robot pro­gram or adapt low-level para­me­ters as an expert – ArtiMinds RPS is not a black box.

Let´s start and see our soft­ware live!

Book a free online demo!

Invest just a few min­utes of your time and we show you how you can pro­gram, ana­lyze and opti­mize your robot appli­ca­tions with ArtiMinds RPS and ArtiMinds LAR eas­ier, faster, more intu­itive and consistent.

The non-bind­ing web demo is the per­fect way to learn more about the range of appli­ca­tions as well as to find out if ArtiMinds RPS and LAR suit your needs and how the tools can sup­port you .

ArtiMinds FAQ

We answer the most impor­tant ques­tions about the ArtiMinds soft­ware solu­tions, appli­ca­tions and the com­pany in our FAQ section.

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How did VISO­MAX solve the pol­ish­ing of painted sur­faces with robots? Find out more!