Offline pro­gram­ming & sim­u­la­tion with ArtiMinds RPS

Pro­gram robots and sim­u­late appli­ca­tions – with­out pro­duc­tion downtime

ArtiMinds offers an inno­v­a­tive and con­tin­u­ous approach for plan­ning, pro­gram­ming and main­te­nance of flex­i­ble robot-sup­ported automa­tion solu­tions, that saves you money and time – with­out hav­ing to write a sin­gle line of com­plex source code. Pro­gram your appli­ca­tion offline on a PC with­out robot hard­ware, and visu­al­ize the robot’s motion in the 3D sim­u­la­tion envi­ron­ment to per­form reach­a­bil­ity tests and col­li­sion checks. A spe­cial fea­ture is the seam­less switch between online and offline pro­gram­ming that is pos­si­ble at any time. Stay ahead of the com­pe­ti­tion with ArtiMinds RPS. 

Robot appli­ca­tions typ­i­cally go through three phases: Plan­ning and pro­gram­ming, com­mis­sion­ing and oper­a­tion, and main­te­nance and opti­miza­tion. Each phase involves spe­cific steps that can be more eas­ily imple­mented either online or offline, depend­ing on the task at hand.Since the phases merge seam­lessly and involve dif­fer­ent tasks, seam­less data trans­fer and good coor­di­na­tion are essen­tial. The inno­v­a­tive robotics soft­ware ArtiMinds RPS com­bines online and offline pro­gram­ming with a new con­tin­u­ous approach.

Offline robot pro­gram­ming – Your benefits

To pro­gram your robot offline no real hard­ware set-up is nec­es­sary. Pro­gram­ming is only done in a sim­u­la­tion envi­ron­ment. The advan­tage is clear: pro­duc­tion processes do not have to be inter­rupted, i.e. offline pro­gram­ming reduces pro­duc­tion down­times com­pared to pro­gram­ming robots only online directly in the pro­duc­tion envi­ron­ment. In the sim­u­la­tion envi­ron­ment, the robot’s work­space can be dig­i­tally visu­al­ized as exactly as pos­si­ble using CAD data. For com­po­nents with com­plex geome­tries, you can auto­mat­i­cally gen­er­ate paths and robot move­ments by import­ing the CAD model. All com­mon file for­mats are sup­ported. The data from the dig­i­tal twin is then trans­ferred to the real robot and, for exam­ple, if the robot pro­gram­mer needs to teach key points, he can switch from offline to online pro­gram­ming.



In our Robotics Blog we reveal how ArtiMinds RPS and LAR sim­plify set­ting up a dig­i­tal twin of your robot appli­ca­tion and enable a struc­tured real time analy­sis of your processes.

Read Blog Post
Offline programming with ArtiMinds RPS - without production downtime

Thanks to the three-dimen­sional sim­u­la­tion envi­ron­ment and the CAD2Path func­tion, cycle times can be esti­mated and reach­a­bil­ity analy­ses or col­li­sion checks can be eas­ily performed.

Dur­ing the plan­ning phase, offline pro­gram­ming with ArtiMinds RPS already enables to esti­mate esti­mate cycle times of the appli­ca­tion. On the other side fine-tun­ing is done after the imple­men­ta­tion of your appli­ca­tion based on real-time data analy­sis using ArtiMinds LAR.

In each of the phases described above, switch­ing between online  and offline pro­gram­ming is con­ceiv­ably sim­ple. In this way, processes can be pro­grammed and tested with­out extra effort and accord­ing to your work­ing flow.

A first insight into the processes is pro­vided by the step-by-step instruc­tions and the short video sequences below. In addi­tion, we would like to invite you to an online demo. For this pur­pose, please write us a short info via the cor­re­spond­ing con­tact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


ArtiMinds RPS – Train­ing courses

Of course, we do not stop at devel­op­ing a great prod­uct. At ArtiMinds Robotics, all cus­tomers receive a train­ing course at the begin­ning of the project, in which we famil­iar­ize you in detail with the use of the soft­ware and your spe­cific automa­tion solu­tion. In addi­tion, we pro­vide you with the tools for inde­pen­dent expan­sion or repro­gram­ming of automa­tion processes.

In addi­tion to the train­ing mate­r­ial, detailed doc­u­men­ta­tion is avail­able to you, which can be gen­er­ated from the ArtiMinds RPS online help at the click of a but­ton. Of course, you can con­tact our sup­port team at any time and they will also put you in touch with one of our experts if necessary.

ArtiMinds Robotics – intensive Schulung und Training inklusive

Offline pro­gram­ming with ArtiMinds RPS – Comparison

ArtiMinds RPS is an award-win­ning robot pro­gram­ming soft­ware devel­oped by ArtiMinds Robotics itself. With this, both spe­cial par­tial solu­tions and, above all, demand­ing robot automa­tion projects can be real­ized in their entirety.

ArtiMinds also sup­ports indus­trial robots of all well-known robot man­u­fac­tur­ers, includ­ing periph­er­als whose dri­vers and pro­to­cols are already inte­grated in our soft­ware. The fol­low­ing table should give you a rough overview of the fea­tures of offline pro­gram­ming with ArtiMinds RPS.

Specific tools for each phaseYes, severalNo, one single software
Interface problems between toolsFrequentlyNo, because “only” one single software
Intensive knowledge of processesProcess and robotics expert should work closely together; complexity of application makes it difficult to focus on the processThanks to the intuitive and simplified programming, process expert are able to implement applications without robotics knowledge
Can be integrated into existing processesVery complex and time consuming due to training needs & programmingSimple integration; ArtiMinds RPS generates native, reusable script code
Meshing of roles (departments)Difficult, specialized knowledge required & risk of interface problemsYes, significantly improved thanks to uniform operating procedure & data basis
Utilization of resources Time-consuming, resources must be scheduled, schedules must be adhered toSignificantly more flexible, i.a. due to merging of roles
IndependencyNo, several tools are necessary when using different hardwareYes, ArtiMinds RPS supports the most common robots & peripherals (hardware independent programming)

Spe­cific tools for each phaseYes, sev­eralNo, one sin­gle software
Inter­face prob­lems between toolsFre­quentlyNo, because “only” one sin­gle software
Inten­sive knowl­edge of processesProcess and robotics expert should work closely together; com­plex­ity of appli­ca­tion makes it dif­fi­cult to focus on the processThanks to the intu­itive and sim­pli­fied pro­gram­ming, process expert are able to imple­ment appli­ca­tions with­out robotics knowledge
Can be inte­grated into exist­ing processesVery com­plex and time con­sum­ing due to train­ing needs & programmingSim­ple inte­gra­tion; ArtiMinds RPS gen­er­ates native, reusable script code
Mesh­ing of roles (depart­ments)Dif­fi­cult, spe­cial­ized knowl­edge required & risk of inter­face problemsYes, sig­nif­i­cantly improved thanks to uni­form oper­at­ing pro­ce­dure & data basis
Uti­liza­tion of resources Time-con­sum­ing, resources must be sched­uled, sched­ules must be adhered toSig­nif­i­cantly more flex­i­ble, i.a. due to merg­ing of roles
Inde­pen­dencyNo, sev­eral tools are nec­es­sary when using dif­fer­ent hardwareYes, ArtiMinds RPS sup­ports the most com­mon robots & periph­er­als (hard­ware inde­pen­dent programming)

Step-by-Step: Offline Programming

ArtiMinds RPS offers advanced fea­tures requir­ing CAD mod­els to ease costly tasks like opti­miz­ing the lay­out of your robot cell.

  • Step 1: Import CAD files

    Import CAD files into the 3D view for reach­a­bil­ity tests and collision-checks.

  • Step 2: Gen­er­ate robot motions

    Auto­mat­i­cally gen­er­ate col­li­sion-free motions around obsta­cles. Run batch sim­u­la­tions to choose from alter­na­tive solutions.

  • Step 3: Set 3D points

    Pre­cisely set 3D points on the cor­ners, edges or sur­faces of a CAD file. Use a diverse set of tools to trans­form and man­age groups of 3D points.

  • Step 4: Con­vert 3D points into templates

    Con­vert selected 3D points directly into tem­plates, e.g. to grasp at a spe­cific loca­tion. You can eas­ily set up whole pro­grams only based on the CAD file.

  • Step 5: Import and cre­ate tool-paths

    Import curves or project it onto a sur­face of a CAD file. RPS will auto­mat­i­cally gen­er­ate the RPS pro­gram with lin­ear, cir­cu­lar and spline motions defin­ing the tool-path.

  • Step 6: Calibrate

    Align the 3D points from the CAD files with the real world to eas­ily cal­i­brate your robot program.

Let´s start and see our soft­ware live!

Book a free online demo!

Invest just a few min­utes of your time and we show you how you can pro­gram, ana­lyze and opti­mize your robot appli­ca­tions with ArtiMinds RPS and ArtiMinds LAR eas­ier, faster, more intu­itive and consistent.

The non-bind­ing web demo is the per­fect way to learn more about the range of appli­ca­tions as well as to find out if ArtiMinds RPS and LAR suit your needs and how the tools can sup­port you .

ArtiMinds FAQ

We answer the most impor­tant ques­tions about the ArtiMinds soft­ware solu­tions, appli­ca­tions and the com­pany in our FAQ section.

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In our robotics blog you will find the lat­est news and top­ics from indus­try and ArtiMinds.
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