Sur­face pro­cess­ing with robots

Pol­ish­ing – Grind­ing – Glu­ing – Debur­ring – Paint­ing with ArtiMinds RPS

The soft­ware ArtiMinds RPS, com­bines offline and online pro­gram­ming in a unique way to solve appli­ca­tions requir­ing pre­cise tool paths. Eas­ily cre­ate tool paths based on the CAD geom­e­try of your parts or import a tool path directly from your CAD file. Quickly check for col­li­sions and reach­a­bil­ity to fig­ure out the best lay­out of your robot cell. Con­nect to the real robot to cal­i­brate the robot pro­gram, teach key poses and opti­mize parameters.

The chal­lenges of robot-based sur­face pro­cess­ing, such as debur­ring, pol­ish­ing or grind­ing, lie in the com­pen­sa­tion of tol­er­ances, the pro­gram­ming of sen­sor-adap­tive processes and the han­dling of com­plex geome­tries. Fur­ther­more the inte­gra­tion of force-torque sen­sors, cam­era sys­tems or spe­cial tools and the inter­ac­tion with the robot requires spe­cial pro­gram­ming skills.

The inno­v­a­tive func­tion­al­i­ties of the ArtiMinds RPS enable the most diverse forms of sur­face pro­cess­ing. For exam­ple, thanks to the easy import of CAD files, robot motion paths can be sim­u­lated and cre­ated automatically.

ArtiMinds Robotics - Surface Processing Made Easy with ArtiMinds RPS

You need sup­port in automat­ing an elec­tron­ics assem­bly process? At ArtiMinds you get soft­ware & project sup­port from a sin­gle source!

You would like to imple­ment a robotics project? Use our free robotics check­list to select the right hard­ware & soft­ware and to orga­nize the most impor­tant project steps!

Appli­ca­tion exam­ple: Deburring

The removal of burrs is a com­mon step in the post pro­cess­ing of metal and plas­tic injec­tion moulded parts. Since these can have com­plex geome­tries, path plan­ning for debur­ring is dif­fi­cult to imple­ment. For this pur­pose the CAD2Path tool of the ArtiMinds RPS can be used. The CAD2path tool allows to import CAD model geome­tries into the RPS and to gen­er­ate paths along a con­tour. In addi­tion, the ori­en­ta­tion of the TCP to the imported path is adjustable which is impor­tant for debur­ring operations.

Thanks to the large num­ber of sup­ported robots and periph­eral devices as well as seam­less online and offline pro­gram­ming, the ArtiMinds RPS soft­ware offers opti­mal sup­port for robot-based sur­face pro­cess­ing tasks. Whether you need to to solve tasks like grind­ing with con­stant con­tact pres­sure, pol­ish­ing detected defects, full-sur­face pol­ish­ing or debur­ring of com­po­nents with com­plex geome­tries – ArtiMinds RPS deliv­ers the right robust robotic pro­gram for all challenges.


Which mod­ules were used to pro­gram this application?

>> ArtiMinds RPS Basic Mod­ule |more

>> ArtiMinds RPS CAD2Path |more

>> ArtiMinds RPS +Force Mod­ule |more

ArtiMinds Robotics - Polishing - Grinding - Gluing - Deburring - Painting

Fur­ther appli­ca­tion examples:

  • Pol­ish­ing and buff­ing of surfaces
  • Grind­ing and debur­ring of edges and corners
  • Glue bead dispensing
  • Paint­ing
ArtiMinds-Robotics_Implement robot-supported automation projects efficiently

You want more? We sup­port you in the robot-based automa­tion of your sur­face processing

You want more? We sup­port you in the robot-based automa­tion of your sur­face processing

You want to inte­grate new and flex­i­ble automa­tion processes into your work­flows and need e.g. sup­port in the debur­ring or pol­ish­ing of work­pieces? Our Automa­tion Engi­neer­ing team of engi­neers and robotics experts will be happy to advise you and take over tasks such as the pro­to­typ­ing.

ArtiMinds is a leader in the devel­op­ment of inno­v­a­tive and sophis­ti­cated robot automa­tion solu­tions, whether as a par­tial or over­all con­cept. Our experts will be happy to pro­vide you with advice and sup­port from con­cep­tual design to implementation.
Get in touch – our spe­cial­ists will pro­vide you with com­pre­hen­sive advice and develop an ini­tial con­cept or carry out a fea­si­bil­ity study in close coop­er­a­tion with you.

Indus­trial exam­ples – short videos of real cus­tomer applications

Why ArtiMinds Robotics?

With its sen­sor-adap­tive and intel­li­gent pro­gram tem­plates, ArtiMinds RPS meets the diverse require­ments of sur­face pro­cess­ing. Due to the hard­ware inde­pen­dence and the sim­ple inte­gra­tion of force-torque and vision sen­sors, you ben­e­fit twice: You have a robust automa­tion solu­tion and yet remain flex­i­ble in your hard­ware setup and application.

>>READ THIS BLOG POST: Set­ting up auto­mated grind­ing appli­ca­tions faster

High­lights of ArtiMinds RPS for sur­face processing:

  • Easy tool path gen­er­a­tion from CAD
  • Force-con­trolled, sen­sor-adap­tive movements
  • Col­li­sion checks and reach­a­bil­ity tests

As a lead­ing solu­tion and soft­ware provider for demand­ing robot appli­ca­tions, ArtiMinds Robotics sup­ports you in all phases of your automa­tion project: from plan­ning & pro­gram­ming, com­mis­sion­ing and oper­a­tion up to analy­sis and opti­miza­tion. We would be happy to show you the pos­si­bil­i­ties in a short online demo!

ArtiMinds Robotics - Your Reliable Partner for Surface Processing tasks


With ArtiMinds RPS, automa­tion solu­tions are pos­si­ble where clas­sic robot pro­gram­ming reaches its lim­its. Read the detailed report on how Viso­max Coat­ing GmbH was able to develop new robot appli­ca­tions for force-con­trolled sur­face pro­cess­ing with the help of ArtiMinds RPS.


Just get in touch. Our appli­ca­tion experts will be happy to advise you on your indi­vid­ual auto­mated robot appli­ca­tion. Make an appoint­ment right now for an online demo and learn how ArtiMinds can help you to imple­ment a flex­i­ble robotic automa­tion project.


Browse through our Robotics Blog or FAQ sec­tion and learn inter­est­ing facts about ArtiMinds RPS & LAR. Our Down­load & Press area pro­vides fur­ther infor­ma­tion. Or sign up to our newslet­ter for reg­u­lar news and ongo­ing updates.


In just a few min­utes, we will show you how to plan, pro­gram, oper­ate, ana­lyze and opti­mize robot appli­ca­tions cost-effi­ciently, intu­itively and eas­ily with ArtiMinds RPS.

The non-bind­ing free online demo is the per­fect way to get a first impres­sion of the soft­ware, the appli­ca­tion port­fo­lio and if it suits your needs.

ArtiMinds Robotics- Learn more about surface processing robot applications