• Simplify robot programming Visomax ArtiMinds
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Force con­trolled pol­ish­ing of painted sur­faces using ArtiMinds RPS



Viso­max Coat­ing GmbH is a lead­ing sys­tem provider for grind­ing and pol­ish­ing processes and approached us shortly after they first heard about the ArtiMinds Robotics soft­ware prod­ucts. They had been look­ing for a long time for a way to auto­mate the pol­ish­ing and grind­ing processes of their robots. The Robot Pro­gram­ming Suite from ArtiMinds seemed to be the per­fect solution.


The appli­ca­tion involved the detec­tion of defects on dif­fer­ent com­po­nents , to force-con­trolled approach these and pol­ish them after­wards. This involved not only real­iz­ing the pol­ish­ing process in the robot appli­ca­tion, but also inte­grat­ing the nec­es­sary sen­sor com­po­nents. The defects are detected by a cam­era sys­tem that trans­mits the coor­di­nates to the robot. The robot includ­ing the force-torque sen­sor and the pol­ish­ing head should then take over the rest. The great­est chal­lenge of this appli­ca­tion are defects, which can be located at dif­fer­ent places on each sin­gle com­po­nent. There­fore con­ven­tional robot pro­gram­ming was not pos­si­ble for this application.


“Our great­est chal­lenge are defects, which are located in dif­fer­ent places on each sin­gle com­po­nent. That´s why con­ven­tional robot pro­gram­ming was not pos­si­ble in this case. With ArtiMinds RPS and the Force Mod­ule, we were able to sig­nif­i­cantly reduce the pro­gram­ming effort com­pared to con­ven­tional programming.”

Respon­si­ble for robot pro­gram­ming at VISOMAX


Eng­lish sub­ti­tles can be acti­vated in the YouTube menu bar in the lower area.


With the help of ArtiMinds RPS, the VISO­MAX team was able to sim­plify the teach­ing and pro­gram­ming of their robots to a max­i­mum. The robot oper­a­tions could be pro­grammed quickly and eas­ily using the stan­dard tem­plates. In addi­tion, a path tem­plate was cus­tomized espe­cially for VISO­MAX to opti­mally record the pol­ish­ing movement.

Another major advan­tage is the offline pro­gram­ming and sim­u­la­tion of the robot appli­ca­tion in three-dimen­sional space. This enables VISO­MAX already in the prepa­ra­tion phase to eval­u­ate whether cus­tomer projects can be real­ized under the given fac­tors and conditions.

“The sup­port from ArtiMinds is more than exten­sive! If required, you always reach the right con­tact per­son at the right time”

– ANDREAS GÖTZ, Man­ag­ing Direc­tor VISOMAX

Learn more about robotics in our free online seminar:

Automat­ing with robots: 5 tips for a fast, flex­i­ble and future-proof robot deployment

Robots enable com­pa­nies of all sizes to auto­mate flex­i­bly and cost-effi­ciently. How­ever, tech­no­log­i­cal com­plex­ity, high hard­ware costs and the train­ing costs for employ­ees often pre­vent com­pa­nies from inte­grat­ing robots.

We would like to give you the 5 most impor­tant hints on how to over­come these hur­dles and how to inte­grate and deploy robots flex­i­bly, quickly and sustainably.


  • for which appli­ca­tions and automa­tion tasks indus­trial robots can be used
  • how you can inde­pen­dently plan, imple­ment and oper­ate robot cells with lit­tle or no robotics knowledge
  • what role soft­ware plays in robotics
  • why sen­sors will be indis­pens­able in the future
  • how to achieve a fast and sus­tain­able ROI
  • how and when plan­ning, pro­gram­ming and oper­a­tional man­age­ment soft­ware can help you

DURA­TION: 1 hour


  • Tues­day, July 14 | 9 am UTC | German
  • Thurs­day, July 16 | 9 am UTC | English


5 tips for fast, flex­i­ble and future-proof robot deployment

The online sem­i­nar is free of charge. You will receive your access data by email right before the event.

4 + 3 = ?


5 tips for fast, flex­i­ble and future-proof robot deployment

The online sem­i­nar is free of charge. You will receive your access data by email right before the event.

5 + 2 = ?


We will show you how easy robot pro­gram­ming and deploy­ment can be

In just a few min­utes, we will show you how to plan, pro­gram, oper­ate, ana­lyze and opti­mize robot appli­ca­tions cost-effi­ciently, intu­itively and eas­ily with ArtiMinds RPS.

The non-bind­ing free online demo is the per­fect way to get a first impres­sion of the soft­ware, the appli­ca­tion port­fo­lio and if it suits your needs.

ArtiMinds Robotics - Florian Geike Online Demo
ArtiMinds Robot Programming Suite

MUCH MORE THAN JUST SIM­PLE ROBOT PRO­GRAM­MING: With RPS you cre­ate cross-process stan­dard­iza­tion – from plan­ning and pro­gram­ming to maintenance.

Broschüre ArtiMinds RPS

The ArtiMinds prod­uct brochure pro­vides a detailed overview about our soft­ware solutions.