ArtiMinds Robotics - Florian Geike Online Demo

Flo­rian Geike is look­ing for­ward to talk­ing to you!


Tues­day, Sep­tem­ber 10 | 11 am CEST | German
Tues­day, Sep­tem­ber 10 | 4 pm CEST | English

The par­tic­i­pa­tion is free of charge!

ArtiMinds RPS & LAR – Uni­ver­sal & inno­v­a­tive soft­ware solu­tions to sim­plify robot deployment

With ArtiMinds RPS, you can pro­gram flex­i­ble robot appli­ca­tions inde­pen­dently, cost-effi­ciently and uni­ver­sally inte­grate elec­tri­cal grip­pers, force-torque sen­sors and vision sen­sors eas­ily and quickly thanks to already pre-installed dri­vers. Fur­ther­more, ana­lyze and opti­mize your robot-based pro­duc­tion processes with ArtiMinds LAR to save money and resources. With the ArtiMinds soft­ware fam­ily it´s that easy to real­ize robot-based pro­duc­tion processes and to improve automation.

Reg­is­ter for our dig­i­tal Live Sessions:

What to expect

The Live Ses­sions take place online in a relaxed atmos­phere with up to ten par­tic­i­pants. You can dial in com­fort­ably via your PC, lap­top or mobile phone. We will present the key fea­tures and ben­e­fits of the soft­ware prod­ucts and give you the oppor­tu­nity to get your own impres­sion of the inter­face and usabil­ity dur­ing the live soft­ware demo. We will be happy to dis­cuss your busi­ness needs and talk about how to auto­mate your indus­trial processes with robots.

How long will it take

Our live ses­sions usu­ally last about 30 min­utes, depend­ing on how many ques­tions you may have. We are very flex­i­ble with demo times and will work around your time frame to our best abil­ity. For us it is most impor­tant that all your ques­tions could be answered.

Robotics Soft­ware & Ser­vices from a Sin­gle Source

We will show you how you can pro­gram, ana­lyze and opti­mize your robot appli­ca­tions with ArtiMinds RPS and ArtiMinds LAR eas­ier, faster, more intu­itive and con­sis­tently. Talk to our robotics experts, who will be happy to advise you on con­cept devel­op­ment and imple­men­ta­tion of your application.

The non-bind­ing free live ses­sions are the per­fect way to find out if ArtiMinds RPS and LAR suit your needs and how the tools can sup­port you in robot-based automa­tion. To see our soft­ware in action, just book one of the upcom­ing live ses­sion demos.

Thank you for your inter­est in our live demon­stra­tion of the ArtiMinds soft­ware fam­ily! Please fill out the form below to pro­vide some infor­ma­tion that helps us to focus on your spe­cific needs. As your online demon­stra­tion is pre­cisely tai­lored to your require­ments, every bit of infor­ma­tion helps us to align with your level of knowl­edge, unique needs and questions.

Why should you pro­gram indus­trial robots with ArtiMinds?

Invest just 30 min­utes to learn how ArtiMinds RPS can help you to pro­gram robotic appli­ca­tions eas­ier, faster, intu­itively and con­sis­tently. Stay ahead of the com­pe­ti­tion by tak­ing advan­tage of the inno­v­a­tive and unique fea­tures of ArtiMinds RPSLAR. Even demand­ing process flows can be auto­mated prof­itably using robots thanks to ArtiMinds RPS & LAR. We would be happy to show you how you can increase pro­duc­tiv­ity with ArtiMinds soft­ware solu­tions and reduce expen­sive down­times of your plant.

  • We bring our know-how into your com­pany: After an inten­sive two-day train­ing with numer­ous prac­ti­cal exer­cises, your employ­ees will be able to inde­pen­dently opti­mize exist­ing processes and gen­er­ate new robot appli­ca­tions. >> get started
  • We increase your pro­duc­tiv­ity: Sim­u­late self-cre­ated robot pro­grams in offline mode dur­ing oper­a­tion and teach key points directly on the real robot if required. Use the intu­itive graph­i­cal user inter­face to cre­ate your robot pro­gram quickly and eas­ily via drag and drop. >> learn more
  • We increase your prof­itabil­ity: Cus­tomize exist­ing robot appli­ca­tions with­out much effort. Cre­ate your own tem­plates for already exist­ing sub-processes to inte­grate them in upcom­ing appli­ca­tions you have to program.
  • We accom­pany you all the way: We sup­port you right from the start with con­cept con­sult­ing to pro­gram­ming and imple­men­ta­tion of a pro­to­type up to the deploy­ment of the fin­ished appli­ca­tion in your pro­duc­tion and beyond. >> see how we can work together