Link to: Auto­mat­ica 2023


Automat­ing with robots – how to achieve fast and flex­i­ble robot integration

What is the RPS live ses­sion about?


The online demo will give an insight into ArtiMinds’ intu­itive soft­ware that sim­pli­fies and stan­dard­izes the pro­gram­ming of appli­ca­tions with dif­fer­ent man­u­fac­tur­ers and hard­ware com­po­nents – all with­out lengthy, expen­sive training.

We will show you the advan­tages that come with an online/offline pro­gram­ming that merges seam­lessly. On top of that, we will ana­lyze and show how sen­sor tech­nol­ogy can be used in this context.

Learn how to inte­grate robots in exist­ing processes and how to stan­dard­ize the deploy­ment and usage of robots from plan­ning, pro­gram­ming to com­mis­sion­ing and maintenance.


  • How hybrid robot pro­gram­ming works
  • The ben­e­fits of a smooth tran­si­tion from online to offline pro­gram­ming (real & dig­i­tal robot become one)
  • How to incor­po­rate sen­sor tech­nol­ogy into your automation
  • What the ben­e­fits of the lat­est automa­tion tech­nol­ogy are
  • Live demo at the real robot show­ing tips & tricks

DURA­TION: 30 minutes

ArtiMinds RPS Live Session

Pro­gram­ming sen­sor-adap­tive robot appli­ca­tions inde­pen­dent of manufacturer

In the inter­ac­tive live ses­sion, you will get an insight into the intu­itive ArtiMinds RPS soft­ware, which sim­pli­fies and stan­dard­izes the pro­gram­ming of sen­sor-based appli­ca­tions with dif­fer­ent man­u­fac­tur­ers and hard­ware components.


  • Multi-ven­dor soft­ware for fast trans­fer­abil­ity to dif­fer­ent robot plat­forms, grip­pers and sen­sor systems
  • Plan­ning and sim­u­la­tion for test & fea­si­bil­ity analyses
  • Seam­less online-offline-programming
  • Reduced pro­gram­ming time, up to 100 times faster due to pre­de­fined templates
  • Auto­matic gen­er­a­tion of sur­face-accu­rate paths for robots based on CAD data
  • Man­u­fac­turer-inde­pen­dent inter­face for com­mu­ni­ca­tion with PLCs and other exter­nal sys­tems (IO-Link, PROFINET, Ether­cat, etc.)
  • ArtiMind’s force- and vision-con­trolled robot pro­gram­ming enables fast and easy han­dling of flex­i­ble and del­i­cate components

DURA­TION: 30 minutes


  • Tues­day, Sep­tem­ber 10 | 11 am CEST | German
  • Tues­day, Sep­tem­ber 10 | 4 pm CEST | English

The par­tic­i­pa­tion is free of charge!

Dieses Webi­nar wird auch in Englisch ange­boten. >>MEHR ERFAHREN…

DAUER: 60 Minuten
Das Webi­nar wurde am 24. Feb­ruar 2021 live aufgezeichnet.



On-Demand Webi­nar: More than pick and place – solv­ing sen­sor-based robot applications

Imple­ment­ing demand­ing appli­ca­tions future proofed using hybrid programming

We help you solving sensor-based robot applications

Just like the capa­bil­i­ties, the fields of appli­ca­tion for robots are becom­ing increas­ingly diverse: In addi­tion to sim­ple pick & place tasks, more com­plex process tasks that require a high pre­ci­sion and sen­si­tiv­ity need automa­tion in order to save costs and increase process reli­a­bil­ity and qual­ity.

Would you like to know how you, as a process expert, can become a robotics expert even with lit­tle or no pro­gram­ming knowl­edge? And there­fore are able to inde­pen­dently plan, pro­gram and imple­ment such appli­ca­tions? How hybrid robot pro­gram­ming works and what advan­tages are offered by a tool in which online and offline pro­gram­ming merge seamlessly?

Then reg­is­ter for our cur­rent robotics webi­nars focus­ing on “Sen­sor-based robot appli­ca­tions: imple­ment­ing demand­ing appli­ca­tions using e.g. hybrid programming”. 

Watch the recorded webi­nar for free!

Are you plan­ning to auto­mate processes in your pro­duc­tion with robots or do you already have a spe­cific project that you would like to imple­ment? Are your robot sys­tems ready for the Smart Dig­i­tal Fac­tory? Or did the deploy­ment of robot sys­tems seem to be too com­plex so far and you would like to find a lean entry-level solution?

Then our online sem­i­nar series “Automat­ing with robots” offers you first help­ful insights and tips. Par­tic­i­pa­tion is free of charge!

What is the webi­nar about?

How to imple­ment demand­ing appli­ca­tions future proofed using e.g. hybrid programming

In a live demo, which is the main part of the webi­nar, you will get an insight into ArtiMinds’ intu­itive soft­ware that sim­pli­fies and stan­dard­izes the pro­gram­ming of appli­ca­tions with dif­fer­ent man­u­fac­tur­ers and hard­ware com­po­nents – all with­out lengthy, expen­sive training.

We will show you the advan­tages that come with an online/offline pro­gram­ming that merges seam­lessly. On top of that, we will ana­lyze and show how sen­sor tech­nol­ogy can be used in this context.

Learn how to inte­grate robots in exist­ing processes and how to stan­dard­ize the deploy­ment and usage of robots from plan­ning, pro­gram­ming to com­mis­sion­ing and maintenance.

DURA­TION: 30 minutes

The webi­nar was recorded live on March 15, 2021


  • How hybrid robot pro­gram­ming works
  • The ben­e­fits of a smooth tran­si­tion from online to offline pro­gram­ming (real & dig­i­tal robot become one)
  • How to incor­po­rate sen­sor tech­nol­ogy into your automation
  • What the ben­e­fits of the lat­est automa­tion tech­nol­ogy are
  • Live demo at the real robot show­ing tips & tricks

DURA­TION: 30 minutes

DURA­TION: 60 min­utes


  • Wednes­day, Feb­ru­ary 24 | 10 am UTC | German
  • Thurs­day, Feb­ru­ary 25 | 3 pm UTC | English
  • Tues­day, March 2 | 10 am UTC | German


  • New webi­nar dates will be sched­uled soon

LAN­GUAGE: Eng­lish & German

This webi­nar is also avail­able in Ger­man. More infor­ma­tion can be found >>HERE…

LAN­GUAGE: Eng­lish & German

A Ger­man ver­sion of the on-demand webi­nar is addi­tion­ally avail­able. More infor­ma­tion can be found >>HERE…



Data pri­vacy

More than pick & place – solv­ing sen­sor-based robot applications

More than pick & place - solv­ing sen­sor-based robot applications


  • How hybrid robot pro­gram­ming works
  • The ben­e­fits of a smooth tran­si­tion from online to offline pro­gram­ming (real & dig­i­tal robot become one)
  • How to incor­po­rate sen­sor tech­nol­ogy into your automation
  • What the ben­e­fits of the lat­est automa­tion tech­nol­ogy are
  • Live demo at the real robot show­ing tips & tricks

The webi­nar is free of charge. You will receive your access data by email right before the event.

Unfor­tu­nately we have not sched­uled any new webi­nar dates yet. We rec­om­mend to sub­scribe to our newslet­ter to stay informed about upcom­ing webi­nars >>Sub­scribe here

Data pri­vacy



More than pick & place – solv­ing sen­sor-based robot applications

The webi­nar is free of charge. You will receive your access data by email right before the event.

5 + 2 = ?


In addi­tion to the free webi­nars we offer, we are also rep­re­sented at numer­ous trade fairs, con­fer­ences and con­gresses. Whether dig­i­tally or in pres­ence – use the oppor­tu­nity for a per­sonal exchange! You don’t want to miss any dates and news?
Then sub­scribe to our ArtiMinds newslet­ter or take a look at our robotics blog.

ArtiMinds Robotics Kabelstecken Leitungsmontage

Webi­nar: Cables com­pletely under con­trol | On-Demand | Online

Reduc­ing man­ual labor, increas­ing automa­tion: when it comes to flex­i­ble parts such as cables, wires or con­nec­tors, many com­pa­nies have a hard time.
In this new free webi­nar our appli­ca­tion experts explain, what kind of indus­trial automa­tion solu­tions for the han­dling and assem­bly of cables already exist and why sen­sor-adap­tive robot solu­tions play a key role.

SPS Smart Production Solution ArtiMinds Exhibitor

SPS smart pro­duc­tion solu­tions | Novem­ber 12 to 14, 2024 | Messe Nürnberg

With its unique con­cept, SPS rep­re­sents the com­plete spec­trum of smart and dig­i­tal automa­tion – from sim­ple sen­sors to intel­li­gent solu­tions, from what is fea­si­ble today to the vision of a com­pre­hen­sively dig­i­tized indus­trial world.
The SPS is the high­light event of the automa­tion indus­try. It is a source of inspi­ra­tion and a plat­form for innovation.

Automat­ing with robots – debur­ring, pol­ish­ing and grind­ing of surfaces

If you are think­ing about automat­ing sur­face fin­ish­ing, robots are able to take over the grind­ing, pol­ish­ing or debur­ring. Depend­ing on the process and com­po­nent, how­ever, there are var­i­ous chal­lenges that must be taken into account dur­ing implementation.

Are you cur­rently look­ing for solu­tions on how to auto­mate sur­face fin­ish­ing with robots? Are you or your col­leagues able to pro­gram robots your­self or would you like to find out how you can real­ize such appli­ca­tions with­out any or less robotics expertise?
Then reg­is­ter directly for the spe­cial issue of our webi­nar series “Automa­tion with robots” focussing on “Robot-sup­ported sur­face fin­ish­ing – chal­lenges, solu­tions & best practices”.

Par­tic­i­pa­tion is free of charge!

Spe­cial "Sur­face processing"

Robot-sup­ported sur­face fin­ish­ing – require­ments, solu­tions & best practices

On the one hand, com­po­nent tol­er­ances and com­plex geome­tries make robot-sup­ported sur­face fin­ish­ing more dif­fi­cult; on the other hand, it is nec­es­sary to process image pro­cess­ing and force signals.
The inte­gra­tion of sen­sors and soft­ware there­fore opens up com­pletely new fields of appli­ca­tions and pos­si­bil­i­ties such as

  • Grind­ing with con­stant con­tact pressure
  • Visu­ally con­trolled pol­ish­ing of imperfections
  • Full-sur­face pol­ish­ing of painted components
  • Debur­ring the outer con­tour of com­pos­ite parts

On the basis of these four spe­cific use cases, the webi­nar will show you the chal­lenges of these tasks, pos­si­ble approaches and how sen­sor-guided pro­cess­ing pro­ce­dures and intel­li­gent soft­ware sim­plify robot pro­gram­ming and ensure robust appli­ca­tions, higher process reli­a­bil­ity and con­stant qual­ity execution.
The prac­ti­cal exam­ples are indus­trial appli­ca­tions that have already been suc­cess­fully imple­mented and applied.


  • how you can auto­mate grind­ing, pol­ish­ing and debur­ring with robots
  • which chal­lenges have to be considered
  • which tech­nolo­gies you need for implementation
  • how you can pro­gram such appli­ca­tions with­out expert knowledge
  • which indus­trial best prac­tice exam­ples com­pa­nies already have realized

DURA­TION: 45 min­utes


  • Wednes­day, Novem­ber 25 | 10 am UTC | German
  • Tues­day, Decem­ber 1 | 1 pm UTC | German
  • Tues­day, Decem­ber 1 | 4 pm UTC | English
  • Wednes­day, Decem­ber 2 | 9 am UTC | English

LAN­GUAGE: Eng­lish & German

This online sem­i­nar is also avail­able in Ger­man. More infor­ma­tion can be found >>HERE…


Robot-sup­ported sur­face fin­ish­ing – chal­lenges, solu­tions & best practices.

The webi­nar is free of charge. You will receive your access data by email right before the event.

2 + 5 = ?


Robot-sup­ported sur­face fin­ish­ing – chal­lenges, solu­tions & best practices

The webi­nar is free of charge. You will receive your access data by email right before the event.

2 + 2 = ?