ArtiMinds Robotics – Your holis­tic soft­ware & solu­tion provider for advanced robotics applications

Robotics Soft­ware & Engi­neer­ing Services

Robotics is our pas­sion: As a tech­nol­ogy leader and expert part­ner in robot-based, sen­sor-assisted automa­tion, we are help­ing man­u­fac­tur­ing com­pa­nies to auto­mate pro­duc­tion processes and inte­grate robotics into their man­u­fac­tur­ing environment.

The need for high expert knowl­edge in pro­gram­ming and the lack of acces­si­bil­ity of robotic appli­ca­tions rep­re­sents the major blocker for the broad use of indus­trial robots in pro­duc­tion. Soft­ware plays a cru­cial role in sim­pli­fy­ing setup and oper­a­tion of indus­trial robots. ArtiMinds tech­nol­ogy enables you to stan­dard­ize the automa­tion work­flow with robots – shift­ing focus to your process know-how instead of robot pro­gram­ming skills.

Pro­gram indus­trial robots with ArtiMinds – uni­ver­sal & consistent

The ArtiMinds soft­ware prod­ucts sup­port across all indus­tries and sec­tors and based on a uni­ver­sal con­cept. They eas­ily enable automa­tion solu­tions from large-scale pro­duc­tion to col­lab­o­ra­tive human-robot inter­ac­tion. Pro­gram­ming with ArtiMinds RPS is extremely sim­ple. In con­trast to the clas­sic solu­tion, you “write” your code via drag and drop using a graph­i­cal user inter­face. You can choose between more than sixty pro­gram tem­plates, which already con­tain pre­de­fined and exten­sively tested sub-processes, thus con­sid­er­ably reduc­ing the time and resources required. This ensures a robust pro­gram sequence even when con­fig­ur­ing com­plex and demand­ing robot processes with a PLC com­mu­ni­ca­tion, force-torque sen­sors, cam­era sys­tems or elec­tric grip­pers (>> Sup­ported hardware).

ArtiMinds LAR auto­mat­i­cally col­lects and eval­u­ates live sen­sor data such as move­ments, force sen­sor and cam­era mea­sure­ments or error codes. The data is only stored locally and made avail­able to you via web appli­ca­tion. So you remain flex­i­ble and have mobile access at any time.


Just get in touch. Our appli­ca­tion experts will be happy to advise you on your indi­vid­ual auto­mated robot appli­ca­tion. Make an appoint­ment right now for a free robotics con­sult­ing ses­sion and learn how ArtiMinds can help you to imple­ment a flex­i­ble robotic automa­tion project.


In just a few min­utes, we will show you how to plan, pro­gram, oper­ate, ana­lyze and opti­mize robot appli­ca­tions cost-effi­ciently, intu­itively and eas­ily with ArtiMinds RPS.

The non-bind­ing free online demo is the per­fect way to get a first impres­sion of the soft­ware, the appli­ca­tion port­fo­lio and if it suits your needs.

ArtiMinds Robotics - Florian Geike Online Demo